Goal: Build a tool that gathers and sends location from an Android phone to a user interface
Target Audience: Law Enforcement
How it Works
Python Implant
Gathers current location, current wifi connection (if applicable), surrounding wifi connections, and sent and received texts.
If desired, sends emails every 5 minutes with updated information
User Interface
Parses location data to retrieve coordinates
Converts coordinates to addresses
Adds places pinpoints on Google Maps
Parses wifi data to retrieve SSID and IP Address
Updates objects after every update
Possible Distribution Methods
Near-Field Communication (NFC)
Spear Phishing
Planned Improvements
Python Implant
Sends contacts and photos to user interface
Conceal application icons and hide from search query
Automate setup and distribution
Web Interface
Color code Google Maps pins based off of source of coordinate (wifi vs pic vs call)
Spoof IP address of Raspberry Pi server >> Add the ability to take photos, preview camera, take videos, and start microphone
Add options to have different update methods and update durations
Add authentication
Track arrival times, time spent at a location, and the number of visits