
  • Goal: Build a tool that gathers and sends location from an Android phone to a user interface

  • Target Audience: Law Enforcement

How it Works

  • Python Implant

    • Gathers current location, current wifi connection (if applicable), surrounding wifi connections, and sent and received texts.

    • If desired, sends emails every 5 minutes with updated information

  • User Interface

    • Parses location data to retrieve coordinates

    • Converts coordinates to addresses

    • Adds places pinpoints on Google Maps

    • Parses wifi data to retrieve SSID and IP Address

    • Updates objects after every update

Possible Distribution Methods

  • Near-Field Communication (NFC)

  • Spear Phishing

  • Steganography


Example Screenshot

Planned Improvements

Python Implant

  • Sends contacts and photos to user interface

  • Conceal application icons and hide from search query

  • Automate setup and distribution

Web Interface

  • Color code Google Maps pins based off of source of coordinate (wifi vs pic vs call)

  • Spoof IP address of Raspberry Pi server >> Add the ability to take photos, preview camera, take videos, and start microphone

  • Add options to have different update methods and update durations

  • Add authentication

  • Track arrival times, time spent at a location, and the number of visits
